About Me

I was "Banded" on July 20, 2010 at my highest weight and had a very successful experience, making my goal weight and maintaining for 3 years. Unfortunately, my band slipped in February 2013, I had to have it removed. Fast forward to 2014, after gaining 60+ pounds, I got approved for a VSG and have had moderate success with the sleeve.

I have really tried to "reset" my thinking about everything lately. This is my journey to really learn how to live a more joyful and fulfilling life that is not dictated by a number on a scale as a means of success.

Monday, March 10, 2014

This is my life..... Again! Feels great!

I am lucky!
I know how to take care of myself.
I am lucky!
When I lost my way without some of my tools last year, I kept reminding myself that I would get it together again. I didn't always believe it though
I thought that maybe I would never get it right again,
I am lucky, I remembered how to actually do it....
I have almost 2 months behind me and 35 pounds gone.
I eat to sustain me, not to soothe a sad mood, not feed my h-anger....
I feel good about me.
Sad though that I didn't feel good about me when I probably needed to most last year
I tried to hold it together.
I needed help
I knew I needed help this time, that was the difference
But it is me that keeps me going forward.
I can't ever let myself forget that I can do it!